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My aim is to provide an opportunity for you to work towards living in a more fulfilling way. Counselling and psychotherapy can offer you a deeper self-awareness and insight that can help overcome adversity, resolve issues and build up your own resources and resilience. This in turn can bring about a greater sense of well-being and improve your quality of life.

Psychotherapy and counselling offer a space where difficult and sometimes painful experiences and emotions can be heard.

I offer Supervision and Reflective Practice to Psychotherapists and Counsellors at all levels of experience. Trainees, those working towards accreditation and experienced therapists. I also offer this service across the professions, such as nursing and health, community leadership, chaplaincy, business and IT leadership.

A reflective space to look at the challenges of work and the impact on wellbeing. It is important as an ongoing prevention and support to compassion fatigue, burnout and the stressors of everyday work. In an increasingly demanding work life loaded with deadlines, targets and ‘through put’, the human aspect of work can easily be overlooked and undervalued.